Smart Planning


Control & Responsiveness

celver Smart Planning

Compass for successful corporate management

Anyone who wants to manage a company successfully needs a good compass - planning. It helps to keep the company on course at all times. It's not just about defining goals and planning resources - today, responsiveness is particularly important. Planning must therefore prepare the company for all eventualities. In concrete terms, with the right tools it can help to identify trends at an early stage, assess risks and quickly initiate the necessary measures. 

This is exactly what we have been dealing with for more than 20 years and accompany our customers through all phases of corporate planning. With certified experts, we help to design planning processes sensibly and build individual solutions.

The process as a guard rail

On the way to the right planning solution, the most important factor is the individual process. It is the guard rail for all future aspects: What should the planning process look like? Which key figures and functions are needed? Where do the data and information come from? What are the responsibilities and dependencies? 

Together, we define the appropriate target planning process for your organization. Planning maps of the main business processes as well as visualizations based on "process stacks" pave the way for us.

Our approach

  • Best practice templates:
    We have prepared corresponding blueprints for the most important planning processes based on our many years of experience. In joint workshops, we can use GAP-FIT analyses to quickly derive suitable target processes for you. 
  • Green Field Approach:
    We are also happy to develop the target planning process with you in joint workshops right from the start. Based on the objectives and a current process review, we look at improvement potentials and design the target planning process according to your current company situation.

For ideal process modeling, it has proven useful to first visualize all process steps and associated factors. This creates many aha effects. Responsibilities, dependencies, key functions and optimization potentials quickly become visible.

Find the right method

As a sparring partner in the design of your planning solution, we bring experience and extensive methodological expertise to the table: Whether it is the definition of KPIs, the data model, the use of AI or the technical integration into the system landscape.

We are happy to discuss different models and approaches with you. Sometimes approaches that initially seem contradictory can also be combined in an exciting way:

Methods: planning vs. forecasting, top down vs. buttom up, etc.

Agile through modular implementation

Appetite comes with eating: New user requirements often arise after the first project steps. That's why we prefer a modular implementation. Oriented to your processes, new aspects or priorities can be taken into account step by step. This not only creates agility during changes, but also increases user acceptance overall!

The highlights in brief

  • For more than 20 years, we have been supporting planning projects for customers in a wide range of industries and of different sizes. 
  • For us, the starting point is always the individual process. It serves as a guard rail for the design of the planning solution.
  • Using innovative methods and technologies, we find the right path for your particular business situation - from process modeling to the definition of KPIs and data models to integration into the system landscape.  
  • In order to maintain an overview at all times and to be able to take new requirements into account, we recommend an agile and modular implementation of your project.
  • With us, planning turns from a chore into an active contribution to corporate management!



Discuss further details with our Smart Planning expert!

Our clients


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