SCM Services

The importance of the supply chain has long been underestimated
The supply chain is the core of a company's economic success. For a long time, the primary objective was to minimize costs, which no longer makes sense in today's volatile markets and increasing supply chain problems. In the future, it will be important to create resilient supply chains that achieve a healthy balance between costs and risk. A rethink is required and new KPIs are needed to make risks measurable - e.g. through TTR (Time-to-Recover), TTS (Time-to-Survive) or PI (Performance Impact).
It is also crucial to be able to react quickly to unforeseen developments. Simulations and the creation of alternative scenarios are elementary in order to enable the short-term evaluation of changes to the entire supply chain end-to-end and to act accordingly. This generally requires new, agile software solutions that represent a digital twin of the supply chain and ensure the basis for rapid responsiveness.
We are happy to support you in overcoming these challenges with innovative solution approaches. Regardless of whether it is a matter of setting up new key performance indicator systems, defining planning processes or implementing agile planning systems, our experts create added value.